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Global Outreach

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Matthew 28:19

Our vision for global outreach is simple - Equip & Train, Support, Connect & Send


Equipping & Training – Providing personal one on one sessions for preparing to become a missionary, resourcing other organizations to help provide necessary foundations, offering individual planning opportunities as well as foundational studies as it relates to God’s word and the Great Commission.

Training for short term outreach or becoming a long term missionary has and will continue to be a fundamental part of Dove Fellowship.

Supporting – Establishing a means of support is crucial to the success as people go out. Not only are we a conduit for receiving funds for those on the field, we maintain communication of encouragement and prayer, which is so crucial when hard times come to those who serve faithfully. The need for missionaries to have a relational Pastor is often a great need.

Connecting – Helping the” little guy” become connected to missions when their church has no vision or lacks the aid in support of funds. It is our vision to help those who have a desire for missions collaborate and connect with other agencies such as Bethany Global Mission or YWAM.

Sending – Launch those who are going to out with prayer and commissioning. Currently, we have one couple serving with YWAM Sports Ministry and Kings Kids in Brazil. 

Goal – Encourage others to be a part of ministry locally and abroad to encourage others that they can dream and are called to have a special destiny in life.

“However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally
look at the results.”

Winston Churchill

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